In a dynamic market, Upshot Coffee achieved significant growth by applying effective problem solving and strategic design. This case study reveals how, through strategic planning and operational efficiency, a coffee shop and roastery realized a 336.36% increase in revenue over three years. Key to this success was aligning team efforts with customer feedback, optimizing barista workflows, and involving customers in merchandise shelving redesign. The focus was on practical solutions and strategic decisions to improve service and operational flow.
Stay ahead of the curve: An inclusive way to identify skill gaps
How can you assess if your team has any skill gaps before diving into a new project? How can you decide if you need to hire a new person to bridge a gap in your team’s skills? Use these 5 methods to help assess your team.
These 2 things are crushing your team effectiveness
In this video, I talk about two major problems that keep team meetings from being effective and show you a few secrets on how to deal with them.
Let the new guy lead the meeting? Are you crazy?!
Leveraging your new team members’ enthusiasm by letting them facilitate your next team meeting, will help them get up to speed faster, break information silos, and build confidence.